Get to know Miya Music Therapy administrative assistant and music therapist, Carmen Lee!

1. How did you get into the music therapy field?
While I discovered music therapy during high school when I was researching potential fields in music (I couldn't imagine studying anything but music), I went on to study music education as my undergraduate degree. I realized
at the beginning of my 3rd year that I did not want to pursue teacher's college upon graduation, but still wanted to pursue something related to music. I turned towards the possibility of doing a masters in music therapy. I took the necessary psychology courses, observed music therapists, volunteered in a music program for students with special needs, and loved all of it! The more I learned about the field in school, the more I grew to love the work.
2. What do you love most about your work?
I love that I can make music with people and call it work! But beyond just making music, I love developing therapeutic relationships with my clients and seeing changes unfold through the music. It always amazes me how music can empower an individual, whether it is allowing a client to take ownership of a song we wrote together, seeing a client belt out a familiar song even though she may not have spoken during the session, or watching a client with a language barrier join the group in instrumental playing.
3. What populations do you work with?
I currently work with older adults in retirement homes and day programs, as well as, adults in group homes with a variety of needs and abilities.
4. What do you enjoy about being on the MMT team?
I enjoy being on a team that is so supportive and so passionate about their work! I love learning from each team members through our discussions at meetings, our sharing of resources, and self-care events.
5. What is the last song you listened to?
Man, I Feel Like a Woman - Shania Twain
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